Thank You for Visiting WOL+MED Medical

WOL+MED Medical treats work injuries and auto injuries. Our Pain Management programs are internationally accredited by CARF. We treat back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and much more. We have Medical Doctors and Chiropractors to help you. Our doctors are experts in work and auto injuries as well as in the treatment of chronic pain. Visit us at and find us on Facebook today!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

WOLMED Pain Management Welcomes Dr. Andrew Garrett, DC

WOLMED Pain Management is happy to announce the addition of its newest Denton, TX doctor, Dr. Andrew Garrett, DC.  Dr. Garrett is a Chiropractor who earned his bachelor's degree in Public Health from the University of Texas at El Paso before completing Chiropractic college at Parker College of Chiropractic, in Dallas, TX. 

Dr. Andrew Garrett, DC
 Since graduating Chiropractic college, Dr. Garrett has dedicated his practice to helping injured workers.  His Texas Workers Compensation experience includes thorough physical exams, chiropractic manipulations, nerve conduction velocity studies, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, work hardening, work conditioning, and chronic pain management.  Dr. Garrett has also testified in disputed cases to help patients get the treatment they need when insurance carriers initially deny their claims. 

As an expert in Texas Workers Compensation, Dr. Garrett does peer reviews with insurance carrier doctors and obtians preauthorization of needed workers comp treatments from insurance carriers.  He is also involved in public education on various healthcare issues and is skilled at diagnosing and treating patients with all types of work-related injuries.

Dr. Garrett served as President of a multidisciplinary workers' compensation / personal injury clinic for the last two and a half years, but has recently moved back to Denton, TX where he now works full time for WOLMED Medical.  He works Tuesday thru Saturday helping people with work injuries and injuries resutling from auto accidents.  He welcomes same-day appointments and walk-in appointments.  If you have been hurt in a car wreck or have suffered a workers compensation injury, call today to make an appointment with Dr. Garrett.  He is ready to be your doctor.

For more information about the services offered at WOLMED Medical, visit us online at  To make an appointment today, call (940) 484-7000.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Car Wrecks in the Rain

Here in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area, we are experiencing very heavy rain fall that is causing an extremely high number of car accidents.  I've been driving back and forth from Denton to Dallas for the last couple of weeks and I've seen a lot of car wrecks.  Most of those were on rainy days.  It seems like some people forget how to drive when it's raining.  They are tense from nervousness.  The heavy rains make for low visibility.  Other cars are weaving in and out of traffic.  Some people don't feel the need to slow down.  Other people don't feel the need to speed up.  And - Oprah would be very upset at the number of people who won't put down their phone, no matter how bad the weather gets.  Texting while driving and talking on the phone are bad enough on sunny days, but on rainy days, even during horrible downpours - really???

Statistically, most auto accidents in Texas happen on clear and sunny days.  That's not a surprise since most Texas days are clear and sunny.  On those rainy days though, car accidents seem to spike.  My advice to all drivers, especially on rainy days:  slow down and pay attention to the road.

Looking down at the radio?  Crash!

Talking on the phone?  Crash!

Just have to send that text message?  Crash!

Speed limits aren't for you?  Crash!

Need to save 2 minutes by weaving in an out of traffic?  Crash!

Surfing the web on your iPhone?  Crash!

Crash, crash, crash, crash, crash, crash!!!  Now what?  Your hurt - badly injured.  Your car's a wreck now.  Since your hurt, you have to miss work.  You call a personal injury lawyer to deal with the auto insurance and you need a doctor (not necessarily in that order of course).  Don't you hope that doctor will work with your attorney?  You sure better.  Otherwise, that car wreck is going to be an even bigger hassle than you ever imagined.

In many cases, the story only gets worse from here.  So, if you were crashed in a car wreck by an impatient or distracted driver, you need to give WOL+MED Medical a call in Denton and Dallas, TX.  You may be in pain, but there's no reason the process of getting better should be an even bigger pain.  WOLMED doctors work closely with auto injury lawyers and we're excellent at treating your injuries and documenting your case in a way that helps your attorney get the best possible outcome on your legal case while you're getting the best possible outcome in your medical care.

Choose WOLMED for your auto injury recovery.  We take the pain out of the process and we want to be your doctor.

With that said - to all of you impatient and distracted drivers out there:  slow down, put down your phone, and keep your eyes on the road.